Monday, June 2, 2014

Game of Thrones:"The Mountain and the Viper" review

I can't get over how annoyed I am by this episode. GoT is always dancing around a line of tastefulness. It crosses it not infrequently. But last night it jumped over the line with the giddy glee of a brace faced teenage nerd boy into full on hardcore pornography of violence (gorenography?).

Am I mad that Oberyn is dead? Not really. You knew he was going to die from the moment he showed up at King's Landing. I'm mad that he was killed in the most cliche' way possible. Yeah, you heard me. Cliche'. Good ol' death by monologue and fancy fighting techniques. That's nothing new. I'm annoyed that it was presented as though it were something special or unexpected. They just should have let him die in the fight. Fine. It was a deliberate choice of the author to have him die in such a way that all dignity was stripped from him, which makes sense in this universe and probably in general. Except that it was forced. Utterly forced. With the alacrity with which he quickly defeated the mountain, that he could be tripped there at the end, even in his arrogant rage, is asinine and not believable. This death was an escalation of violence purely for the sake of escalating violence.  Hack.

Same for Dany. Not surprising. Oh look, Jora, you used to be a spy? And even though you've been faithfu since then, obviously, since this is from the previous king, and this is obviously old news that isn't relevant, I'm going to hold it against you. Here's a chance for good characters to act sane instead of stupid. Nope, sorry. Characters aren't allowed to act intelligently when drama must be had. Once again, pure, idiotic hackery and bullshit done purely for the sake of escalation, not because it makes any sense for the characters to be behaving that way.

Oh, and let's not forget to add the cherry on top of this god awful tragedy of cliche', Sansa Stark wearing the dress that the Darkness gave her.

Luckily my new book, Celia: Monster Hunter, at long last is near completion. You can read it instead of putting up with that drivel.