Saturday, November 17, 2018


Why am I so bad at updating this? I'm worse at updating my blog than I even am at not being too scared of my own writing to write! Who reads anymore anyway? Whatever, I'm working on Celia 2, also on the old old Bang! Boom! Boomie!, which is the piece I work on while only listening to Die Antwoord. Also that werewolf erotica is off the back burner and sitting on the cabinet...also, still waiting for cover art for Drakenschloss...something needs to happen there, because that's ready for the publishment. Public Publishment.

Anyway, I'm still alive, and sometimes writing...

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Random Post on SJW hating Asians

(edit: so I didn't put the video up way back when I published this? Nice one...or did it get evicted somehow. I don't know.)

Okay, so youtube suggested this one to me (how and why, no idea), and they honestly don't say anything that interesting or challenging or new. In fact, its pretty standard lo-fi libertarian views except that...they're Asian, and they very much identify as Asian. This is important to them, AND they view their particular political beliefs as rooted in their Asian upbringing. 

Honestly, I'm not even sure who I'm posting this for. I guess my "SJW" friends (that's not meant as an insult, but its a handy identifier), and what I'm trying to get across I'm not sure, except that, just like the "Chinese Families for Trump", this is a part of the plurality of opinions that exist. Oh, I suppose one thing that did catch my attention was their statements on how they think successful Asians are next on the chopping block of the SJWs. Interpret that as you may.

So, yeah, I don't have much opinion on this one, it just struck me as somewhat unique, if not very well articulated.

Monday, June 4, 2018

Dumb Tummy

I could wake up thinking about stories, but instead my brain wants to think about dumb people's ideas of argumentation.

This morning its more dumb free market fundamentalism, the kind that calls anything not sufficiently laissez faire 'socialism' and likes to spout of pointless aphorisms like "all governments fail their people 100% of the time" and "governments are wrong because they use force". Of course, its okay for them to use force when its something the free market fundamentalist approves of.

Anyway, so my brain decides to take a new route, and here's where it eventually got (though this is the tl;dr formulation): Big business spends a lot of money on government, on buying politicians, buying access to politicians, buying lobbyists, etc. so we should view it as free market activity, ie. the government is part of the market. Since the market can't do any wrong, the government can't either. So a free market fundamentalist either needs to deny that business spends money on politics (impossible) or that some market activity is bad.

They'd make protests, which is why my brain iterated through dozens of more complex formulations, but that's basically where it ends up. Free market fundamentalism is stupid.

Friday, May 4, 2018

High Performance Logic

Cops kill black people in higher numbers than they kill white people, but black people kill the majority of other killed black people.

Immigrants are dangerous because they kill Americans, but killed Americans are mostly killed by other Americans.

This can mean only one thing:

We should emigrate the white Americans and immigrate all the immigrants into America where, because of emigration, there would be no white Americans to kill in America, and the immigrants would only kill other immigrants and black people, and the black people could kill the immigrants too, but mostly other black people. The white Americans could just kill all the people wherever they emigrated because they have the most guns.

Except Israel.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Not really a title...

I had to write down an incomplete thought and this was the most convenient place. It makes sense to protect a culture that is actually successful from change. Growing up in a privileged community, this was a kind of theme. If through hard work and good management of resources, a group of people build for themselves something blessed, it only makes sense that they must protect the core of their culture from both the desperate and the opportunistic. But there should be a clear distinction between a successful culture and an exploitative one, though it may be that in the modern world, such a distinction does not exist. We all get our affordable dry goods, etc. from impoverished nations, where the workers are paid next to nothing for their toil. What looks like 'success' may merely be the advantageous positioning of oneself in nearer the top of the economic food chain, not necessarily more work or better management. To think otherwise is akin to the Gospel of Wealth: your riches show you're beloved of God, and nothing can disprove that, as has been for practical purposes shown.