Monday, February 18, 2013

Feelin' Political: A critique of Libertarian Thought

Well, this ain't my poliblog (which I also never update), but I figured I'd wax a little poli-philosophic.

First, I'm not a Communist (not that you should discount my opinion if I was), and in fact, while this is primarily a criticism directed at ideological libertarians, it definitely would apply to ideological Communists as well.

So here is the thought, very briefly and intentionally vague...

Its a certain kind of evil when we let the ends justify the means, no matter what those means are. But today, in our climate of hyperactive rhetoric and 'best of all worlds' theorizing, our danger is that we will allow the means to justify the ends.

The slightly wordier explanation: This is really not directed at "libertarians", per say, as there is much to like about some libertarian policy. This is directed at the libertarian arguments that are utopic in nature. Now, to hear a libertarian say it, that utopianism is exactly what they want to avoid by letting the market sort 'everything' out. But then you have this other kind of utopianism, its just different because it settles for less. The idea is that only the market will deliver us our 'best possible world'. People become, according to this radical rhetoric, incapable of judgments, or at least incapable of solving problems via 'government' (whatever that means). So if we have a free market, no matter what sorts of awful things are happening, it is justified, and attempting to interfere via government is ridiculed as impossible and idiotic, because the government is incapable of doing what the market cannot. Therefore, according to this line of reasoning, we are strapped with whatever bad outcomes appear from the market and our forbidden changing them.

Now, I reiterate for anybody (nobody?) who stops in and reads this: The above is not an argument against all libertarian leaning policy. It is a criticism of the types of ideologically driven arguments that I often encounter both on television and among my left leaning (libertarianism is a Leftist ideology).

Here it is again. The Means do not justify the Ends.

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