Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Give me time to live it up

Man, so I'm working on this new story that has me kinda stoked.  I hate to give it away, but it involves a kid finding a shoebox with mysterious and awful contents.  Its a sort of period piece, and I'll give ya a little hint as to when precisely.  I've actually managed to write about 9 pages of solid story in the last two hours or so, which is outlandishly fast for me, almost unprecedented, so I really can't wait to unleash this one out into the world.  It'll be a short story in my upcoming compilation also Featuring things with names like 'Super Scaz', a tale of a boy, robots, and their cats, and 'Hats off to you kids', a sort of neo-Lovecraftian ode to Stephen Spielberg boy worship.

Maybe I'll give more hints later on about it all.  Super excitement, woot.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Celia: Demon Slayer

Celia: Demon Slayer is in the works!  It's a...well...fantasy thing about a little girl whose half mountain nymph and likes to slay things.  If it sounds silly, it is, but in a fun way.  Here's a little snippet to entice you.

"Red Rover, Red Rover…"
They let Bill come over.  Bill was caught.
"Celia!" called Mitch.  "We have to get to the concert!  We won't be close to the stage at all if we don't go!"
"Yeah, Celia," yelled Elliot, younger of the Bitter brothers, his red hair waving truculently in the breeze, his nose upturned in malice.  "Go ahead and go!  We'll never give in!  We have Bill back, and we'll never lose!  We'll get him back as many times as it takes."
"Run away, Celia," yelled Tony, his nose upturned in malice, his red hair waving truculently in the breeze.
"You can't win, Celia."
"You have to go to the concert."
"We can be here all night."
"We have no curfew."
Celia set her jaw forward.  "This ends now."

Short but sweet, hope that gets you wanting more.  If you want to support me and make me work even faster, make sure to go over to smashwords and buy up my first (more serious) story Invalid, which is about a boy, a clone, and revenge.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Welcome to my new blog.  I figured I should have one being the burgeoning author that I am.  Make sure to go check out my first book, Invalid, available only online.  It will soon be on all the major distribution sites, but right now you can find it on Smashwords.  I also get a little more of a cut from Smashwords, so shop there ;)