Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Random Post on SJW hating Asians

(edit: so I didn't put the video up way back when I published this? Nice one...or did it get evicted somehow. I don't know.)

Okay, so youtube suggested this one to me (how and why, no idea), and they honestly don't say anything that interesting or challenging or new. In fact, its pretty standard lo-fi libertarian views except that...they're Asian, and they very much identify as Asian. This is important to them, AND they view their particular political beliefs as rooted in their Asian upbringing. 

Honestly, I'm not even sure who I'm posting this for. I guess my "SJW" friends (that's not meant as an insult, but its a handy identifier), and what I'm trying to get across I'm not sure, except that, just like the "Chinese Families for Trump", this is a part of the plurality of opinions that exist. Oh, I suppose one thing that did catch my attention was their statements on how they think successful Asians are next on the chopping block of the SJWs. Interpret that as you may.

So, yeah, I don't have much opinion on this one, it just struck me as somewhat unique, if not very well articulated.