Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Its the specialest day of the year!  Hooray!  Everybody loves Halloween, especially me!  I won't be handing out the candy this year, instead I'll be working, giving rides to insane people on 6th street; hopefully it will be just as fulfilling.

Here, play a game!

I'll put more spooky stuff up as the day goes on, I'm sure.  In the meantime, I'll try to write again...should be easy since the veil between the worlds is at its thinnest point of the year.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Writer's Blah

I'm stuck...damn.  Haven't been able to write for days for some reason.  All of a sudden it all seems so contrived, and maybe it is.  I don't know. But I'll figure it out...somehow...

This has nothing to do with anything, but you can watch it anyway.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


ITs the most wonderful time of the year.

First, I think a movie this good deserves a better trailer.

Ah, The Lost Boys.  How I love it.  But here's one I always try to watch at least once every year or two that probably most people miss.  Lair of the White Worm...not as dirty as it sounds 
  Back on the writing front, I've discovered a funny thing I do.  I'll want to write, so I'll describe what's happening next broadly.  But that sort of external description doesn't fit in this book, so then I'll go back and launch off from that in my more descriptive narration.  That's what I was doing yesterday, mostly, re-writing and editing what I had written before.  But then I got going and wrote an additional 1600 words, so that worked out well.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


So I rewrote about 2000 words just now.  I didn't like how it was written before.  I'm much happier with it now.  The characters are being themselves again.  huzzah and some nice details have been added about snot.  enjoy...when I finally release the book, I mean.

In the meantime, enjoy this Its so cool.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Today's Update

So, while most of the day was spent in a useless way, I did manage to get 2700 words done this afternoon.  If only I was so productive all the time...At an important part of Secret in the Box, the kinda climax, as it were...but we're still a good way from being done.  A lot more things have to happen.  I don't think I could say its the midpoint, so far as length is concerned, but insofar as the plot goes, its sort of a midpoint.

So, I was explaining my story to somebody today and they told me to check out this movie called Tomboy. 

Here's the trailer.

Did it surprise you? didn't surprise me, but I had been briefed on the plot summary.  I think I would have been surprised.  The way my friend was describing it, I was worried that the plot would be similar to Secret in the Box, but its obviously not at all, though I guess I can see why she said my story reminded her of it.  Thematically, there are some similarities, I suppose.  It looks like a really good movie, though I'm not sure I'd want to see it.  It can only possibly end in tears...and even if they're happy tears, I'm not sure I could take it.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Just an update and goodnight

Well, this is a boring post, but I just felt like saying that I'm back to work on Secret after a couple days hiatus.  I think I'm back on track now.  I had to insert something where there had been nothing before...take that as you will.  Turned out to be a decently substantial addition at around 2700 words.

Just so you don't feel cheated by the lack of amusing content in this post, have a little Tosh

p.s.(that turned out to not really be a p.s.)  I really am super excited about Secret in the Box...maybe its just my perverse sense of tragically bullying fictional teenage boys, but I think I'm doing something right on this one.  When I write, I actually feel good about what I've written...maybe that's a bad sign, I don't know.  I guess you 'the reader' will have to let me know when I release it.  Currently at 37,352 words and counting, this one I think won't be giant, but probably will be larger than Invalid.  New 'episodes' keep occurring on the way to the plot points, but I'm pretty sure I'm past the midway point at least.  Friend Nessa let me know she was actually impressed with the length since in her experience most ebooks turn out to be like 85 pages on her nook while Invalid came out to over kudos to me.

So, I'm not sure about the cover image for this one.  Originally I was going to go with something similar to Invalid.  Then, when I thought this would be a compilation of a few similar stories and entitle it Boy v. Universe, I thought I'd scrounge up some kid whose parents didn't mind him being on the cover of semi-disturbing sci-fi literature, maybe holding a baseball bat in some shadowy school hallway.  But now that it looks like I might just have Secret all by its lonesome, I'm not quite sure what to do with the cover image.  I can't think of anything that nicely summarizes the themes or the plot of this thing.  This will require thinking.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Movie Night

I spent the evening leisurely watching bad movies.  First was They Live which wasn't nearly as entertaining as I hoped, nor hilariously bad, but it was still bad, and sometimes funny.  I don't regret it nearly as much as Captain America.

Watching it reminded me of another movie I saw when I was a kid called Split Second.  Rutger Hauer is in it.  Do you really need to know anything more than that?  Come on!  Rutger Hauer!  Its kinda like a buddy cop monster movie, or something, and has all the tried and true tropes you'd expect..."He's been fired from every hell hole there is...but he's the best we got..."  And then "You read all those?"  "Yeah, I read them last night...after sex!"  Unfortunately, its never seen a DVD release, even though Star Wars has seen like 10...where's the justice?  Thankfully, the whole thing is up on youtube!!  You're welcome.