Thursday, November 3, 2011

Back in the Saddle Again

It feels good to write again.  I erased a whole big section, but that felt just as bad and wrong, so I added it back in, jumped back on that horse and started right on going again.  If I need to fix it, that's what second drafts are for (and at over 50k words and counting, second drafts are hard to even do those great authors do it? sheesh). 

I feel like has been letting me down lately.  Like this.  Spoiler (so watch first if you don't like spoilers, though its not exactly a big deal).  Okay, why assume that he picked an audience member truly at random?  Come on, guys, that's obviously the only way he could have pulled off this trick?  Guess what, if you're trying to trick Penn and Teller, then have them pick the random audience member.  That'd be much more convincing.  What I don't find convincing is Penn and Teller...seriously, guys, this is like Anya winning Project Runway with her Foley's chic line-up.  I'm not fooled at all you liars. 

Enough of this nonsense.  Back to writing.  Another 800 words or so and I'll call it a night.

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